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North Florida Coaches
working together to become better coaches.

MISSION: To put a coach in every business and home in Jacksonville to unleash the greatness within.

DISCLOSURE: This group is NOT for selling coaching to coaches. Rather, it is a place for coaches to exchange ideas, discuss best practices, share resources, and foster growth for one another.

Who Are We? Coaches Supporting Coaches.

We are an association of business, executive, life coaches who support coaching. We welcome anyone and currently boast a list of approximately 250 members, including coaches and experienced coaches and inexperienced "wannabe" coaches. There are no dues.

Be a part of the next event.

Coach Jacksonville meets on the the first Monday of each month (except holidays) from 11:45 to 1:30. The topics for the roundtable discussions vary from month to month. The meetings are a great opportunity to lunch, laugh, and learn with other coaches. 

You Are Invited.

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Connect with other Local Coaches

Each month, we invite you to download and fill-out the COACHES SUPPORTING COACHES Accountability Survey. Checking the status of your current business needs and goals will allow you to get the most from attending the monthly meeting. 

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Get involved. Create accountability. Share Insights.

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